Where Can I Watch Kenichi The Mightiest Disciple

Whoops a little late on updating this, sorry!

  1. Kenichi The Mightiest Disciple Episode 1
  2. Kenichi Dub
  3. Where Can I Watch Kenichi The Mightiest Disciple Are You
  • Historys strongest disciple kenichi is one of my all time favorite pre-CGI era anime and everyone should give this anime at the very least 3 episodes before they decide not to watch it. I have already seen this (in japanese) and was looking to rewatch it on amazon prime. I won't give this a good rating or watch it until they add this option.
  • Kenichi did so, taking arrow after arrow and sinking them into random bullseyes, much to his own surprise as well as Natsu's. It was after he reached the 50-meter mark did he miss the yellow and hit the red ring instead. Kenichi shrugged and turned around just to see his dad right behind him, crying tears of joy. 'Kenichi, my son!

Reminder, I have a pat reon, look up azndrgn making fanfic. Donators get perks!

Watch Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple English dubbed, Stream Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple dub, Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple English dubbed download. Watch Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple online in high quality at JustDubs Online. Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple Kent Williams Vic Mignogna Sonny Strait (2006-2007) Shiraham Kenichi begins training at a mysterious dojo after meeting a cute girl. Kenichi begs the masters for a day off so they decide to take a short vacation to Furinji Island owned by the Elder and even take Honoka with them. Kenichi is forced to row the boat to get there with only the thought of Miu in a bikini as his motivation.

This story has been beta by ZShaq and TheReader2011. Enjoy, leave a review for me to improve!

Kenichi, Miu, Niijima, and the other members of the Shinpaku Alliance that weren't fighters were all walking on a specified trail to the summit. As they did, the trio of time travelers gave each other a look, knowing what was to come. As soon as they reached a certain point, the exact same location that Boris had ambushed Kenichi in the timeline, Boris struck!

'That is a lot more logs than I remember,' thought Miu as Boris tackled Kenichi while she began to kick away the logs from Niijima and the others.

'His eyes.. something's off,' noted Kenichi as he allowed Boris to tackle him over the cliff, 'Last time he did this with conviction. This time.. there's some sort of desperation.. and acceptance? What is happening!?'

As Miu finished deflecting the logs, a Russian soldier slid his way down towards them.

'Tch, even if it's under the orders of Colonel Alexander Gaider, I still can't believe I have to come all the way to Japan to finish off civilians,' complained the soldier as he drew out his knives hidden in his boots, 'I'll finish off you brats quickly.'

Miu responded by kneeing the man in the face, followed by several swift kicks to the chest before hurling the soldier into the wall.

'The hell just hit me?' groaned the soldier as he slid down the wall, 'That girl ain't a civilian!'

'Don't think this can stop us!' roared the soldier as he charged forward, 'We are the colonel's special forces! Every student of Koryu High must be killed! Orders are absolute!'

Miu responded with a punch to the leg, forcing him to kneel, before pouncing on him on all fours, using Silat to knock him around.

Back at another trail, Kyoko, Fukujiro, and Taiki were walking together.

'Ono-sensei, you seem a bit tired. Do you require water?' asked Taiki, grabbing a bamboo water bottle from somewhere.

'I'm fine!' breathed Kyoko, trying to catch her breath, 'Boris's group must be pretty far ahead by now.'

'Yamamoto-sensei, you seem quite fit,' complimented Fukujiro as his bald head glinted in the sunlight, 'Unlike so many people nowadays, right?'

The reason for that comment was that Taiki was carrying all of their backpacks for them without any problems.

'I'm worried, so I'm going ahead,' yelled Kyoko as she rushed forward, managing to snag her backpack back from Taiki as she did so.

'Ah, don't run in the mountains!' lectured Fukujiro before sighing, 'Geez, still so panicky. But after becoming a teacher, I have the impression she's becoming more responsible.'

While he was giving this lecture, a trio of Russian soldiers disguised as civilians tried to loop a thread around Fukujiro's neck, only to be suddenly thrown off the edge by Taiki.

'Principle Yasunaga, perhaps it would be prudent for me to check around the paths in case some of the children have injured themselves. As you said before, kids these days don't have much stamina,' advised Taiki, not having shown any sweat from tossing three people.

'Hmm, a good idea. Then can I trust you to scout around?' asked Fukujiro as he grabbed his backpack back from Taiki.

'Of course. I shall be back,' bowed Taiki.

Seconds later, the Russian soldiers were quickly thrown into the ground many times by Taiki when he caught up to them.

Another trail

'Haa, haa,' breathed Izumi, trying to catch her breath as they walked up some stairs.

'Come on, we haven't really walked that much,' sighed Makoto, Izumi's best friend, 'You really should work out more.'

'Hey, she's doing pretty well for herself!' defended Sho, 'Do you want me to carry you for a bit?'

'No, I'll be fine!' waived off Izumi, 'I'm not that frail.'

This time, another group of Russian soldiers began sneaking up towards Izumi, having hidden behind some trees. One of them raised his hands towards Izumi, ready to strangle her when another hand intercepted it.

'The hell you think you're doing?' asked Sho with a dark tone, his eyes narrowed in anger.

'You are Yomi's Kano Sho? We are following One Shadow Nine Fist's Alexander Gaider's orders, please don't interfere. After all, he is your master, too,' explained one of the soldiers.

'Oh,' said Sho flatly as he let go of the hand, 'Sorry, didn't know you were here under orders.'

The soldier merely grunted as they began to approach Izumi again, who hadn't noticed Sho fall behind.

As the soldier's hand began to reach for Izumi once more, Sho's emotions began to conflict with his mind.

'It's one of my master's orders!'

'But.. Izumi.. she doesn't deserve to die so soon!'

As his mind warred over each other, an image of Izumi with a broken neck appeared in his head, complete with those dead eyes staring into the distance, never to regain its shine. That image overrode everything in an instant. It was an image he never wanted to see turn to reality.

Just before the soldier could even make contact, his body went flying into the woods by a well placed high kick from Sho.

'What are you doing!?' hissed another as Sho punched another away.

'Sorry, but I mainly listen to my main master's orders, Godfist Hongo Akira! And quite frankly, he'd be disgusted with me if I let you kill innocent civilians, not even a part of the martial arts world,' declared Sho before quickly attacking the group.

'Huh? Where did Kano-san go?' blinked Makoto as she turned around.

'Eh? Sho-san, where are you?' shouted Izumi, whirling around to look for him when her phone suddenly vibrated.

Quickly picking it up, she saw a text message from Sho himself.

Sorry, I had to use the bathroom, and in the wilderness where there's no real stall, so I decided to go find a more undisclosed area. I'll catch up soon!

'Tch, how crude,' scoffed Makoto.

'He was being considerate,' scolded Izumi as the two began their trek upwards.

Another location

'Why am I doing this?' sighed Natsu as he stood back to back with Renka.

'Because you don't want others to know your secret,' grinned Renka, 'That's why I convinced the other two to go on ahead while you accompany me while I use the bathroom.'

'Go by yourself you exhibitionist,' grumbled Natsu.

Surrounding them were more Russian soldiers, some still standing to fight while a few others were knocked unconscious already.

'Bet I can get more than you!' sang Renka.

'Like hell, you will!' barked Natsu as he dodged a thrust and countered with a whip hand to the head.

One more location

Another group of soldiers was ready to attack another group of students when..


They were slammed into the forest by Ethan and Rachel Stanley. The soldiers told them they were under orders to kill everyone in Koryu High, but Rachel didn't care. Her master was Smiling Fist Diego Carlo, and she listened to him only. Ethan merely decided to follow his sister's lead, knowing his master would also dislike the indiscriminate slaughter of people not even related to the underground martial arts world.


A Russian soldier was wandering around, trying to find out what was going on. The power had suddenly been cut in the base, so he was wandering around blind.

'Hey, where is the enemy!?' shouted the soldier as soon as he found someone, 'I can't see anything.'

The soldier waited for a reply, only to hear none. He quickly reached out towards the neck, only to feel the man's head loll down from his touch. The soldier nearly screamed at that, quickly placing his fingers to the neck, only to sigh at the pulse he could feel.

'He lost consciousness while standing? How?' pondered the soldier out loud before quickly walking away to find someone else. He found two more soldiers in the same condition as the previous soldier. He began to sweat in fear as he quickly found an exit, slamming open the door to look for help. What greeted his sight was a nightmare. Several more soldiers had been knocked unconscious while standing with various means of supporting them to prevent anyone from noticing at a quick glance.

'AAAAAHHHHHH!' screamed the soldier, frightened beyond belief.

Meanwhile, Akisame had already infiltrated deep inside the base, using a random soldier to fool Alexander for a bit with the use of ventriloquism.

'I have been asked by the Russian government to arrest you, Alexander Gaider!' declared Akisame when Alexander ripped open the doors to reveal him.

'Ryozanpaku's Koetsuji Akisame!' roared Alexander, 'You again!? Let's settle this once and for all!'

Back at Japan

A Russian soldier tried to stab his opponent, only to be met with a cross counter to the face.

'How are you holding up Ukita!?' shouted Takeda as he uppercut another soldier.

'Could be better,' grunted Ukita as he grappled his opponent, managing to get the upper hand when he hooked his arm under his opponent's leg. With a quick twist, Ukita slammed his opponent into the ground.

'Get them!' shouted another soldier, only to suddenly feel something on his chest.

Koppou no Kudaku

A palm strike sent the soldier flying into several others.

'Hahaha, it's good to be back!' laughed Tsuji as he dodged a knife thrust, 'I learned some new moves after finding my teacher and annoying him some more!'

'That certainly explains how you've improved quite a bit from the last time we saw you,' smiled Takeda with a twinkle in his eyes as he jabbed another soldier in the face.

'How'd you even get here?' asked Ukita.

'Oh, Niijima and Siegfried sent me a text saying if I wanted to fight some more challenging opponents to come here!' shouted Tsuji.

'That explains a lot,' grumbled Ukita as he threw another opponent into some trees.

Since Ukita and Takeda were having a ronin year, they had time to help fight off Russian soldiers invading the camping trip. Tsuji at this point was pretty much a high school dropout at this point.

Near them was Kensei and Apachai, monitoring the situation. They had taken roughly half of the attacking force they found before letting the others have a turn.

Niijima and the others were quickly running away to safety when they met another Russian force, ready to kill them. They turned back just to see another waiting for them.

'We don't really want to do this, but this is an order! Since you've allied yourselves with Ryozanpaku, we cannot let you escape alive!'

'What do we do?' panicked Matsui, waving his Shinpaku flag.

'Kekeke, you underestimate me!' laughed Niijima as he pulled out a flute, confusing the assassins as he began blowing into it.

A chill wind passed through them, forcing them to shake a little before shrugging it off as notes were rattled off the flute. Seconds passed as the assassins waited before..

'The hell!? Nothing happened at all! Do you take us for fools!? Die!' roared the Russian assassins as they attacked with veins bulging out their foreheads in anger.

Suddenly, a red whirlwind blew through them all, protecting the Shinpaku members while knocking the attacks on their feet.

'I have been following you all for the past 28 hours, counter-spying all your movements while protecting my lord! The demon flute has summoned me here to protect him! For I am the general's most loyal servant.. Siegfried~!' sang Siegfried as he stopped spinning, 'You dare point a blade at my beautiful demon king!? Don't think you'll be leaving this mountain unharmed!'

Before they could even respond, two more people smacked into them.

'I don't see why we have to be here,' huffed Tsukasa of the Zanshi Taisha-ryuu.

'Unfortunately, he pays for our living,' sighed Kurando, 'But this would be excellent training for us.'

Kyoko panted as she climbed higher, getting a bit tired.

'Boris, where are you?' whined Kyoko before noticing Miu already so far away and jumping even faster, 'Oh my. Youngsters these days.. I can't compete against them.'

Her foot hit something when she tried to walk forward. Curious at what exactly she had hit, she looked down to see a giant unconscious body that Miu had left, complete with drool coming out of his mouth as well as some broken joints and an indent in his stomach.

'Kyaaa!' cried out Kyoko as she started to run around in circles in a panic before tripping on one of the many logs laid out there.

'Ah.. this must be why I'm not supposed to run in the mountains,' thought Kyoko before she fell off the cliff.

Luckily, she managed to grab a branch sticking out on the cliff, halting her fall. Before she could shout for help, she heard someone speaking Russian.

[Hmph, looks like Maxim got beat up.. really badly by the looks of this. Not to mention there's been no confirmation of kills from any of the other groups either. Considering the situation, I have to agree with the colonel's warning about not underestimating the enemy forces.]

Another rather large Russian man with a mustache was looking at a screen as if watching something while taking a quick glance around the area while his subordinates stood around him.

[Recover Maxim before anyone sees him,] ordered the apparent leader.

[Yes sir Lieutenant Gergins.] saluted his soldiers as they began to grab Maxim.

'Pogomii!'cried Kyoko. She recognized the language but had no idea what they were talking about, despite having studied it as a second language. The only things she knew how to say in Russian was 'Help me' and 'Thank you', which she was currently yelling for help.

Unfortunately for the soldiers and fortunately for Kyoko, though she didn't know that, the branch she had been holding onto snapped, sending her crashing into the river below.

[Oh c'mon, really?] cursed a soldier.

[It's a river below.. can we just declare her dead?] asked another.

[No choice.. two of you carry Maxim back to base. The rest with me. We'll go down to confirm that woman's death. We've been ordered to not let anyone escape alive. But first, to where the colonel's disciple is. He has nicely lured the other target to the location. I've studied the fight long enough, and now it's time to finish it.] ordered Gergins.

Kenichi and Boris faced each other, the rushing river water going through their legs. Kenichi had a few scratches from the scuffle while Boris's face had swollen a bit, along with several rips on his uniform. Bruises could be seen along the arm from blocking.

'So.. this is how far the distance is between us,' thought Boris as he relished the cold water running through his legs, soothing the bruises on his legs.

'Well, well,' said a smug voice, causing Boris and Kenichi to turn to the source of it.

'It looks like Colonel Alexander Gaider's disciple isn't all that if he's having trouble with one person,' mocked Gergins as he and his soldiers appeared, 'Stand back boy, and let a real soldier show you how it's done.'

Boris growled but obediently retreated, much to Kenichi's surprise.

'Boris, aren't you the leader of this operation?' asked Kenichi.

'Hmph, as if I, Russia's Crimson Knife, Lieutenant Gergins would obey a brat on a whim!' huffed Gergins as he drew out his knives, 'The colonel ordered Boris to delay you so I could finish you off!'

Boris's hands curled up in anger at this but chose not to say anything. It had been obvious that he was no match for Kenichi, back at the incident with the Russian congresswoman. But to be ordered to stand down and then to witness the wide berth between them frustrated him immensely.

'Now then, boy. Any last words?' sneered Gergins as he twirled his knives in his hands.

Kenichi took a deep breath with his eyes closed for a second. When he opened his eyes once more, they began to glow with power as his Ki leaked out of his body. The sudden change in appearance made quite a few soldiers step back unconsciously.

'Hoo, so the boy thinks he can challenge me bare-handed!? You must be a fool!' shouted Gergins as he charged forward, his arms blurring as he attacked Kenichi.

Yet no matter how fast Gergin attacked, he missed as Kenichi dodged with just centimeters away from being stabbed.

'How? I feel like I'm being sucked into attacking empty spots no matter what I do!' thought Gergins as he tried to go even faster.

To Kenichi, Gergins' attack was fast but nowhere as fast as Kagero's slashes. He was using Ryusui Seikuken to dodge Gergins' attack, getting a read on his pattern. Still, it didn't mean he was dodging it perfectly as a few of Gergin's attacks grazed him, drawing some blood.

'He must be tiring out by now,' thought Gergin as he grinned, seeing blood being drawn, when suddenly..

Ryusui Mubyoshi

Kenichi had managed to step in and punched Gergins in the stomach, sending him skidding back.

[Son of a bitch!] cursed Gergins in his native language, almost spitting out blood as well as puking out what he had for lunch.

'Kill this asshole!' ordered Gergins to his soldiers, who flinched before slowly obeying. It was at this time when Kyoko's body drifted down the river, seemingly.. dead.

'Is this the result of the orders you obeyed Boris!?' shouted Kenichi, 'Is this what you wanted?'

'Shut up!' roared Boris as he gritted his teeth in anger.

'She looks dead to me,' muttered a soldier as he planned to ignore her when..

'Urk.. Where am I?' coughed Kyoko, suddenly getting up while grabbing onto a rock.

Everyone paused at this sight in surprise, including Kenichi. He had forgotten in his moment of wrath that Kyoko had actually lived through her fall without any damage.

'Oh, Shirahama-kun! Boris-kun! I see you two are here! Are you getting along with everyone? And who are those people,' waved Kyoko, unable to read the situation.

'Of course not, this is a different course! In fact, why are you here?' asked a bewildered Boris.

'Ehh~~! I was running when I accidentally tripped and fell off a high cliff. It was terrible, and I got all wet, and now I'm here,' explained Kyoko while a Choju Giga bunny hopped past Boris's confused face, 'Ah, are those the Russians from before? Did you come to see if I was alright? How nice!'

'Lieutenant?' asked a soldier.

'Just.. just kill her,' sighed Gergins, not comprehending how this woman functioned.

Where can i watch kenichi the mightiest disciple season 2

Boris flinched before looking at his watch and noticing just what time it was.

'Wait! We're supposed to contact the base if we're past the operation time-limit,' barked Boris as he pushed a button on his earpiece.

'There's no need for that,' huffed Gergins.

'Master, this is Boris. I repeat, this is Boris,' stated Boris, ignoring Gergins.


The communicator remained unanswered as Akisame and Alexander continued their fight, somehow creating countless statues from the rubble of both eastern and western figures in their epic battle.

Back to Japan

'I can't contact base!' shouted Boris, 'This is an emergency situation! Cease all operations and inform all units! I'm taking back control of this operation as a platoon leader at this point on!'

'You brat! You think I'm going to listen to some pet that has the platoon leader's position just because of the colonel's influence!' exclaimed Gergins.

'I don't fucking care! Orders are absolute!' shouted Boris.

'Enough, I'm taking command of this operation from now. I'm relieving you of your duty as you're clearly too young and inexperienced to do what should be done,' roared Gergins, 'Kill her!'

One of the soldiers nodded and grabbed Kyoko by her wrists, his knife held high in the air.

'Nothing against you, but orders are orders,' muttered the soldier as his blade began its descent.

Before the blade could even go any further, he was knocked out by Boris via punch to the face.

'Enough of this! Did you lose your mind Boris Ivankov!?' roared Gergins.

'Shut up! You're the one who has lost their minds! Ignoring orders will be severely punished!' barked Boris as he stood in front of Kyoko, who had fainted already.

'Damn brat, I don't care if you're the colonel's favorite pet, you're going to die!' howled Gergins.

'Lieutenant, watch out!'

Gergins quickly turned back to Kenichi just to notice the soldiers surrounding Kenichi were all knocked out, and Kenichi was already very close to him. Instantly reacting, Gergins threw both his knives at Kenichi, who managed to dodge them before closing in even closer.

'Got him!' thought Kenichi before his instincts blared out warning signs.

Gergin immediately drew out two more knives hidden in his boots and slashed at Kenichi, who was unable to dodge it completely. However, instead of spurts of blood like Gergin imagined, the sound of metal clashing against each other could be heard. Kenichi, having known about the ambush, had worn the chainmail that Shigure had made for him. Genius g540 software drivers windows 10.

'What!?' shouted Gergin in shock as he looked at his knives to see fractures all along the edge. Before he could do anything, Kenichi was already too close.

Douhatsu Strongest Combo 5

This time, Kenichi was attacking Gergin with Dou Ki infused into all his strikes. A karate punch to the cheek. A muay thai kick to the ribs. A grab on the arms before throwing Gaider down into the ground. A stomp kick to the chest.

'Enough!' roared Gaider as he managed to push himself away from Kenichi before charging forward with a knife thrust. Kenichi wasn't fast enough as the knife buried itself into his left arm, where his chain mail did not cover over it

'Gotcha!' shouted Gaider with glee. That was his last thought as he felt a punch land in his gut.

Motionless Sand Cloud Bomb

The finishing move taught by Sakaki himself, the move exalted as the most 'feared and forbidden' technique in karate, landed on Gaider.

This time, Gaider really did puke his lunch after he was sent flying back into a bunch of trees before losing consciousness.

'Impossible! He lost?' gasped a soldier, causing him to lose focus, which Boris took advantage of.

Vysokoje Derev Tundry (Tundra's Big Tree)

Boris grabbed his opponent by the armpit with their head down and slammed him into another enemy. He quickly grabbed the conscious one's head, ready to snap his neck when Kenichi's voice rang out.

'Stop Boris! Don't kill him!' shouted Kenichi.

Boris paused for a second, looking towards Kyoko, who somehow managed to sleep through everything, before deciding to kick his enemy unconscious. Seeing everybody else was now unconscious, Boris decided to inform all units to suspend the operation until communication with the base was restored. However, the answer he received wasn't confirmation from his team, but rather Siegfried singing into the mic. This confused him greatly until the mic was passed to Niijima, who declared that all students and teachers were safe and that all his soldiers had been taken out.

'I see,' sighed Boris as he took off his communicator, turning towards Kenichi. His eyes were enough to let Kenichi know that he intended to continue the fight.

'Will you be alright with that injured arm?' asked Boris as he ripped away his uniform shirt.

'Not enough to disrupt our fight,' stated Kenichi as he took off his ripped shirt, quickly using it to create a makeshift bandage for his arm, 'You sure you still want to do this?'

'Of course. There is no need for reconfirming this particular order. It was the original order, after all,' stated Boris as he shrugged off his undershirt.

As the two stood in the river, Kyoko woke up once more in time to see Boris and Kenichi in the river.

'Ah, that's good, Boris finally made some friends,' smiled Kyoko before closing her eyes again, 'My head is still spinning. I'm going to sleep some more.'

'Shirahama Kenichi! Although I failed this current mission, I cannot return to Russia without your head! By the name of my master, Alexander Gaider, I will destroy you today!'

'Then I, by the name of Katsujinken as well as Ryozanpaku, will defeat you, Boris Ivanov!'

The two boys stared at each other before charging forward.

The fight was a stalemate for quite a bit, with both sides unable to gain an advantage. Kenichi was fighting with only one arm as it hurt to move the other one. Yet even with that disadvantage, Kenichi managed to repel Boris's combo attacks and throws.

'Even when hurt from another fight, you are still able to exceed my expectations! As expected of the one I entrusted my emblem to,' grinned Boris as he jumped back from a high kick from Kenichi, 'This fight is an order as well as a personal goal as well!'


The battle in the base raged on as Akisame and Alexander destroyed a good portion of the base with just their bare hands. Alexander surprised Akisame by using the same move Akisame had shown him back in their fight in Japan, the Willow Leaf Walk, entering Akisame's blind angle and disappearing before catching Akisame by surprise.

Sverkajuscaja Molnija V Ogromnom Cholode (Thunderbolt in Extreme Winter)

Alexander threw Akisame into the floor so hard that the body broke through the stairway completely before slamming into the ground.

Thinking it was over, Alexander quickly went to find his communicator, knowing that he had heard a call from Boris.

'Hmm.. I know my private communicator should be here,' mused Alexander as he searched through his drawer that had managed to survive in the fight, 'Weird..'

'Here you go,' offered Akisame, standing right next to him with the communicator.

'Ah, thank you..!'

Alexander quickly jumped back in surprise at Akisame standing right there without any trouble. He was shocked that someone could survive such an attack before quickly using the Willow Leaf Walk to fight. However, he was unprepared for Akisame to do the same thing.

Skipping most of this fight, as it's going to be the same as canon.


'I see.. there is no other way to defeat you than risking my own life on this next attack!' declared Boris as he stood on a rock platform, having been unable to land a decisive blow yet, 'So this next attack, I will gamble with my life, even if I have to die! This next attack will decide who dies!'

'No.. I won't allow any deaths! That is Katsujinken!' declared Kenichi, his eyes glowing with power once more.

'Goodbye, Ryozanpaku's mysterious creature who has light in his heart and eyes.. and also, my most formidable opponent!'

Parad Dvigatsuja Smierti (Forward March of Death)

Boris stared into Kenichi's eyes, using his master's advice to predict his opponent's thoughts and moves. Yet when he did, he noticed that despite him using a desperation attack to kill, Kenichi himself was only using moves that wouldn't kill him even at the risk of his own life.

Kenichi parried all the attacks before suddenly raising his left arm, blocking out the pain as he managed to catch Boris in a strangulation technique, the Shimewasa.

'Crap! I can't believe I let him get me into this hold! I should've known better, he practices Jiujitsu! But his left arm is weak, so maybe I can escape before I run out of air!' thought Boris.

Then he blacked out when Kenichi spun on his heel, performing the Angai Senpuu Shimei (Dark Whirlwind Shime), causing a blackout state in Boris.

Boris slowly opened his eyes as he heard the persistent beeping noise of his communicator. Boris quickly snapped awake as he answered the call.

'This is Boris!' shouted Boris.

'The results.. How is it?' asked Alexander from the other line.

Boris looked around before noticing Kenichi sitting there patiently before sighing, 'I have failed you master.'

'I see,' hummed Alexander without even a trace of disappointment in his voice, 'As long as you're fine, that is good. Listen well, Boris Ivanov. From now on, cancel any connection to Yomi, we are no longer master and disciple. Also, don't look for me. This is my last order!'

From a bird's eye view, one could see Alexander walking peacefully with Akisame and Sakaki monitoring him, along with a Russian army.

'Master!? Master!' shouted Boris, only to hear the communicator disconnect. Boris tried to call once more, only to hear static.

'.. How long have I been out?' asked Boris.

'About a minute,' answered Kenichi, causing Boris to chuckle. His mind was slowly analyzing just what happened before realizing just what Kenichi had done. Kenichi had forced a blackout state on him, preventing him from being able to even struggle against him.

'From now on, I'm no longer a part of Yomi, and I'm disallowed to search for my master,' stated Boris with a sigh.

'Eh, then what will you do?' asked Kenichi, already knowing what was to come.

'Of course, I will.. Look for my master, even if I have to look everywhere on this planet! The order forbidding me to find him came after he fired me! Therefore, the order doesn't count!' declared Boris.

'That's good to hear, but perhaps you can wait until after the trip is over?' suggested Taiki as he suddenly landed in front of them, 'It would cause a lot of trouble if you disappeared in the middle of the trip.'

'Of course,' huffed Boris, 'It's common sense to 'officially' transfer out after the trip.'

'Then we should head to the summit. Everybody else is already there,' suggested Taiki as he checked up on Kenichi's wound before picking up Kyoko bridal style, 'Let's go.'

It didn't take long for them to reach the summit despite passing the time limit. Luckily, with the combined strength of Kyoko's begging/tears as well as Taiki's calm and smooth voice, Kenichi and Boris didn't get into any trouble, even with the bandage on Kenichi's arm.

The next day ended up being free activities, allowing the students to all enjoy themselves.

As Boris stood watch for a second, Tirawit and Sho passed by him.

'So you lost,' stated Tirawit.

'How bad did you lose?' asked Sho.

'Quite badly despite Shirahama having to fight Lieutenant Gergin and sustaining a wound,' replied Boris, 'I'll be transferring out after this trip.'

Kenichi The Mightiest Disciple Episode 1

'What!? Why?' asked Sho.

'Ryozanpaku seemed to have struck both here and Yami,' replied Boris, 'My master was captured. So the first thing I plan to do is to find him, and if needed, break him out!'

'Yomi won't let you go so freely,' warned Tirawit.

'A pointless gesture as my master ordered me to break all contacts with Yomi,' replied Boris, 'So after this day, it may be awhile before we will meet up again. Now excuse me, I have two classmates I wish to talk to.'

Sho and Tirawit watched Boris leave, each of them pondering what to do next. Sho became distracted when Izumi invited him over to swim, though. Meanwhile, Rachel was enjoying all the attention she was grabbing with her firm but jiggling chest as she jumped, courtesy of her little brother and Kensei holding the sticks she was jumping over.

'So.. you won,' muttered Natsu to Kenichi near the trees while watching a limbo set up. Both Renka and Rachel were competing to see who would win. It got a tad difficult when the stick went so low that despite their flexibility and strong core strengths, their breasts got in the way. Nor did bouncing their chest up and down to try to get it to swing under the stick help, but it did attract a lot of attention and jealousy.

'Your eyes seem stuck on something, Natsu-chan,' teased Kenichi, noticing Natsu staring at Renka.

Natsu immediately tried to punch Kenichi, only to be reminded that he was in public right now, and ended up doing 'warm-up' exercises with Kenichi.

Soon the camp ended and Boris transferred out of Koryu High in search of his master. Leaving Tirawit, Sho, Ethan, Stanley, and Chikage still at the school. Tirawit pondered on why he was still staying, as there was really nothing here for him.

'Oh wait, I still need to beat that brat,' thought Tirawit as he picked out another book, 'I can't believe when it comes to analyzing people, I lost to her!

He was, of course, referring to Kaede, who somehow could analyze his every move in Mah Jong despite the fact he was supposed to be the analyzer.'

With Chikage, it was more of a personal grudge against Kaede and Honoka. She had been called a prodigy by many, her IQ off the charts. She had fought against many older people and won with the Kushinada Jiujitsu that boasted 100% skill and 0% strength. Yet against these two, she could not defeat them at their game, which hurt her pride a lot.

Meanwhile, at a Yomi base, Satomi was training while pondering about the failed mission. He had heard the details about it from the soldiers themselves. Boris, however, had gone underground completely, making it difficult to track him, much less communicate with him. So any details from Boris were out. He had asked Ryuto about some more details, but even he was vague about it, calling Kenichi an idiot. Satomi wasn't sure what to decipher out of that.

Yomi was integrating within the school quite well still. Much to Kenichi's shock, both Sho and Chikage joined the gardening club. Chikage joined to gather more information on Kenichi.. as well as Honoka and Kaede. At least she convinced herself that Kenichi was the main objective. Sho more or less joined because of Izumi as well as a nice place to relax.

Suddenly, one day, the whole student population was summoned to the auditorium.

'Wonder what this is about?' questioned Kenichi, looking at Niijima, 'Is it Yami?'

'I'm not quite sure either.. but my little spy has notified me some things are changing,' muttered Niijima, 'I've managed to hack into some of Yami's system, but it wasn't enough to get me a solid lead. All I know is that Yami's armed division has been inquiring about some information from Yami's unarmed division.'

'This early? I thought they didn't get along at all,' hissed Miu.

'They still don't, apparently they were still insulting each other while exchanging information,' snicked Niijima, 'But it is worrying. Even Kano and the others seem confused at this sudden gathering. Not to mention this never happened.'

'What never happened?' asked Natsu, suddenly appearing next to them with Renka next to him.

'For Yomi to be confused,' answered Niijima promptly while Kenichi and Miu nearly panicked, 'Their masters usually tell them everything that goes on. Especially Rachel's master. Unless they kept it a secret from him.. which I can see them doing.'

Before anyone could even respond to that, Principal Fukijiro stood up on stage, his shiny bald head glinting under the gym lights.

'Students, as you may all be surprised at this sudden gathering, allow me to tell you that there is nothing wrong at all. There have been no 'serious' incidents (besides the usual delinquent fights that break out). Instead, I called this gathering to deliver good news! As many of you know, Boris Ivanov sadly had to head back to Russia to help his family. But fear not, for Koryu High is still a part of the exchange program! And because of that, please allow me to welcome two new students!'

The curtains pulled back to reveal two more people, one of obvious foreign descent with blonde hair and as usual, a complete babe with big breasts and rounded hips. What was more eye-catching, though, was her eyes, as they seemed to have crosshairs in them. The other student looked like a regular Japanese person but with a rather stoic face. Fukijiro passed the microphone to them to allow them to introduce themselves, happy that they were respectfully receiving it then like Rachel, who had grabbed it when they introduced themselves.

'Hello, my name is Elfreda Liden from Sweden, Elfreda being the first name. I'm very happy to be able to study here in Japan, and I am hoping to meet new people! My friend here is Fuse Hayase, he doesn't talk much. He's Japanese, but he studied in Sweden with me! Please be kind to him too,' waived the now named Elfreda.

'Ah, the chance to explore more different cultures. Please give them a round of applause,' cried Fukijiro in happiness.

While everyone was distracted with Fukijiro, Elfreda looked at Kenichi, and with a single motion, mimed shooting a bow at him with a wink.

'Kenichi, do you know her?' asked Miu frostily.

'I can honestly say I have never met her,' replied Kenichi nervously, 'Why is she still looking at me?'

Niijima narrowed his eyes, staring at Elfreda while Renka began teasing Kenichi when he snapped his fingers.

'They're from Yomi. More specifically, the armed division.'

'What!?' shouted the others.

'Wow, how'd you know?' asked Sho, inserting himself into the conversation.

'You knew!?' asked Rachel in surprise.

'Are you sure we should be letting them know that they're also from Yomi?' asked Tirawit.

'Not like they're hiding it,' shrugged Sho, 'Plus, it's no big secret we don't get along. I got a call from Hayami and Seto about them inquiring about this place. Next thing I know, my master told me to expect two transfers from the armed division group. Not sure who they're under, though.'

'Looks like we're going to find out later,' noted Niijima.

Indeed, right after school ended, the two transfers walked right up to Kenichi as he was leaving with Miu.

'Can we help you?' asked Kenichi.

Hayase didn't speak for a moment before slowly raising his hand in front of Kenichi, the sign of handshake being unmistakable. Mystified, Kenichi slowly raised his before shaking it.

'It is good to meet a disciple brother,' stated Hayase in a deep tone.

'Disciple brother!?' exclaimed the Shinpaku Alliance.

'Allow me to properly introduce myself,' bowed Hayase, 'I am Fuse Hayase, the disciple of Tachibana Rin, and also a practitioner of the Kosaka style. My master told me that Kosaka Shigure is his disciple sister and that you were technically his disciple nephew, thus making us disciple brothers.'

'I.. guess that makes sense,' blinked Kenichi.

'But it is a shame you are on the wrong side,' continued Hayase, 'Soon you'll see the futility of Katsujinken. Perhaps soon you and your master will join us once you see the superiority of Satsujinken. I am sure my master would be able to convince others to welcome you with open arms if you decide to join us.'

Kenichi immediately shook off Hayase's hand before replying, 'I would never join your organization, nor will I ever fall to Satsujinken. I won't kill, even at the cost of my own life. I'll defeat those who wish to beat me or my friend however many times they come at me!'

The proclamation, along with his sudden serious tone and face, caused Hayase to falter for a bit. The same was for Sho and the others, who had come to see what the armed division wanted. For Miu, Renka, and the others, it made them nod their head in agreement with his statement.

'I.. see,' said Hayase as he managed to calm himself down, 'Perhaps time will show you the truth.'

Where Can I Watch Kenichi The Mightiest Disciple

'Well, anyway, we just came to see what the fuss was all about Ryozanpaku's disciple,' chimed in Elfreda, 'We've been hearing rumors about you, how you're also learning both armed and unarmed combat and apparently very strong. But don't think that'll stop us from killing you.'

With that, Elfreda and Hayase began walking off, only to run into Yomi's unarmed division.

'What are you guys doing here?' demanded Sho.

'Just following our master's order to explore more of this school,' replied Hayase, 'He was most interested in his disciple nephew and the environment he's grown up in.'

'Yea, so don't get your panties in a twist,' mocked Elfreda, 'Not like you guys can compare to us anyways. I heard two of your members got their ass kicked by him, and another unarmed 'master'. Shows how powerful the unarmed division is, doesn't it?'

'Hoho, so playing with your little weapon is the only way for you to feel strong?' mocked Rachel.

Rachel and Elfreda glared at each other while sizing each other up, pushing their chest against each other. That, of course, drew a lot of attention from people passing by until Hayase managed to pull Elfreda back.

'That's enough. As I said, we're only here to observe. We should be going,' said Hayase as he pulled Elfreda with her.

'Tch,' scoffed Sho, 'Rin Tachibana.. the name is familiar, but I don't remember where. You guys remember?'

The other shook their head in response, though each of them felt like the name should've been something important.

'He's a part of the Eight Shining Executioner Blades of Yami's armed division, pretty much like the One Shadow Nine Fist of the unarmed division,' answered Niijima.

'And how would you know this?' glared Tirawit, feeling a little ashamed that he had forgotten such an important fact.

'You think I wouldn't investigate all of you guys?' snickered Niijima, 'I know quite a bit. Quite a bit.'

With that, Niijima whistled down the road, catching up to Miu and Kenichi, who had already left.

'.. Did anyone feel a small chill despite him not even being a martial artist?' asked Sho.

Ethan slowly raised his hand in agreement, as did Chikage. Tirawit scoffed and walked away, not wanting to bother answer that question. Rachel just shrugged, not caring about Niijima.

Meanwhile, meeting with the Eight Shining Executioner Blade

'So.. I heard you sent your disciple to a specific high school,' sneered Mihai Schtilav, the scythe user.

'Would you explain why you did so?' asked Marmaduke Brown, the female armored knight, whom many people thought she was actually a male since her armor covered her body's figure. Unlike Mihai's tone, which was sarcastic, she was genuinely curious.

'To gather some more information about Ryozanpaku's disciple,' admitted Rin, 'Mildred was just as curious.'

Mildred merely shrugged when the others stared at her.

'I see.. could my disciples not have done the job?' asked Seitaro Raigo, the kodachi wielder.

'I wanted Hayase to experience school life at the same time,' replied Rin, 'Your two disciples are also in school, too. Mine shouldn't be robbed of that chance.'

'I have no further questions,' nodded Seitaro.

'Kekeke, I doubt the brat is anything to worry about,' laughed Mihai, 'My disciple could probably make this 'strongest' disciple piss his pants with a swing of his scythe. It makes me wonder if you're losing your touch there.'

'Don't insult him,' hissed Raiki Hoshinano, the naginata wielder, 'He could easily beat you up.'

'Oh? I'm willing to take on that bet,' cackled Mihai as he drew his scythe.

'The setting autumn sun shines with the dew from the sterling creek,' recited Edeltraft Von Schiller, user of the executioner blade. Nobody could understand just what he was trying to say, as usual.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the meeting room shifted as their leader, Oganosuke Yogi, slammed his blades into the floor.

'Enough,' ordered Oganosuke, 'Rin, Mildred, I will allow this. If this disciple does become something more, then it is our job to show him that the world of Satsujinken, whether it comes to armed or unarmed combat, is the way. No objections from anyone.'

The others bowed in respect. Oganosuke was the strongest in perhaps all of Yami. Not even Silkwat Jenazad would dare to hold back against him, nor Mikumo Kushinada. He was a legend in the martial arts world who's renown was equal to only one person, Hayate Fuurinji.

'Now, let us discuss some upcoming missions,' said Oganosuke.

Despite the shock of two more students from Yomi, especially from the armed division, the days at Koryu were still relatively peaceful. Especially for Natsu, as Renka had to head back to China for a few days for something that Natsu didn't care about.

Kenichi was passing through the grounds of Koryo High when he heard loud clamoring and cheers. Curious about the noise, he decided to investigate just what was going on. His investigation led him to the archery club for Koryu High, something he actually didn't know existed. Then again, he had never really explored all of Koryu High in both timelines.

'Wow, you're so good!'

'I can't believe you haven't missed a shot!'

'You could win the nationals for us!'

Kenichi finally arrived to see Elfreda in shooting arrows at the targets, hitting the bullseye with hardly any effort, while also in the traditional kyudo uniform. She was enjoying the attention, but there was one thing that she didn't like.

Kenichi Dub

'Do I have to wear this stuffy thing?' thought Elfreda, 'Can't I just wear my usual sports bra and panties when I shoot?'

One of the things Elfreda and her master, Mildred, had in common, were that they preferred not to wear clothes as much as possible and didn't care that people ogled them. To them, it just made their targets easier if they were distracted.

Elfreda noticed Kenichi and grinned, formulating a plan in her mind to embarrass Kenichi.

'Shirahama-san! Do you want to try?' shouted Elfreda, causing the archery club to swing their heads towards the target.

'Err, no thanks, I-' refused Kenichi, only to be interrupted when Elfreda bounced up to him, clutching his arm while trying to push her impressive breasts forward, trying to catch the arm in the valley of her chest. However, the chest armor that the club had made her wear got in the way, and ended up bumping the chest plate into his arm. Still, that didn't deter her goal.

'C'mon, you should try it,' grinned Elfreda as she pulled Kenichi's arm forward towards the archery range.

While she did so, she noticed just how muscular and yet flexible Kenichi's arms were. Far more than she expected from sight alone, and much denser than expected.

Before Kenichi could do anything, other club members were already offering Kenichi a bow and arrow.

'Hehe, looks like Yomi's armed division is trying to make a fool out of Kenichi via public humiliation,' noted Sho from a window. He was actually in the theater club, hanging out with Natsu. Along with him was Chikage, Tirawit, and Rachel. Ethan was busy helping out with the library club.

'A useless tactic aimed to embarrass,' scoffed Chikage.

'It will allow us to observe the claim that Ryozanpaku's disciple is capable of using a weapon,' analyzed Tirawit.

'Forget that, he's getting all the attention,' hissed Rachel.

'Anything you want to add?' asked Sho towards Natsu.

'Actually-' started Natsu before Sho interrupted him when he saw the target being set up 30 meters away.

'I'm betting a thousand yen that Shirahama will only be able to hit the.. blue area on the bullseye.'

'Black,' betted Tirawit.

'Miss,' piped in Chikage.

'I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and say he'll hit the red at least,' shrugged Rachel.

'What's your bet?' asked Sho, turning back to Natsu.

Natsu was silent for a second before replying, '10 thousand on hitting the yellow, the bullseye.'

Each one of them widened their eyes in response before narrowing it.

'You're bluffing,' called Sho.

'Take it or leave it. Though I'm surprised you're one to cower from a bet,' shot back Natsu.

Sho growled as he tossed a Yukichi on the desk, followed by four others. As they watched Kenichi pick up a bow, Tirawit thought of something.

'Taninmoto, how long have you known Shirahama again?'

'To my great displeasure, I've known him since middle school, so about four years now,' answered Natsu.

Before anyone could comment more about that, Kenichi had already nocked his bow, took a deep breath before exhaling, pulled it back, and fired.

Straight into the bullseye.


'I never knew Shirahama knew how to shoot!'

'Damn, we should've recruited him so much earlier!'

'Do it again!'

Kenichi blushed as another arrow was pushed into his hand as another target was quickly placed. Each time he shot, he hit the bullseye. The target was pushed further and further back until it was 60 meters away before Kenichi's aim was off, missing the bullseye but still hitting the inner yellow rings.

'Wow, that's impressive for an amateur!' complimented Elfreda as she jumped onto Kenichi's arm, this time making sure her breastplate was off so as to squish that muscular arm in between her chest, 'Or have you been secretly practicing before?'

While she asked this question, her hands were already slyly tracing around Kenichi's fingers, frowning at what she felt. It was rough, as she expected, but she felt no trace of bumps or rough patches that would usually be found on someone who practiced archery, especially at the skill level he just displayed.

'I've dabbled in it a little,' stammered Kenichi. One would think after getting used to Renka doing the same thing she was doing in the past timeline, along with his mental age, would have built some immunity, and yet here he was, still blushing and stuttering.

'I have to go water some plants,' excused Kenichi, managing to pry his hand out of Elfreda's grip with a quick twist of his arm. The sudden rotation surprised Elfreda, causing her to let go. Before she could even try to latch on again, Kenichi had already dashed away at full speed.

'Thanks for the money,' said Natsu as he gathered the betting pile, sweeping it into his wallet.

'Wait, wait, wait, you knew about this!' accused Sho, a vein popping up on his forehead.

'Perhaps,' shrugged Natsu.

'Explain,' demanded Chikage.

'Nothing in Shirahama's profile suggests he is above average with a bow,' nodded Tirawit.

Seeing his exit blocked by Rachel, Natsu sighed as he sat back down, his mind slowly flashing back as he told his story.


It was the break before Natsu and the others would be moving on to Koryu High school. Natsu, much to his displeasure, was at Kenichi's house once more, eating dinner with them. He would've opted to miss it if Kaede hadn't asked him to come with her. Out of the Shirahama family, he hated the males the most. Saori was a kind mother whom he decided was an okay model for Kaede, as well as someone to give her the Talk so he wouldn't have to. Honoka was annoying, but she was friends with Kaede, so that gave some leeway. Kenichi was just someone he wanted to punch for some reason.

And finally, Mototsugu.. was someone he couldn't read at all. He was used to businessmen and women always trying to barge into his business, trying to steal power or kiss up to him. Mototsugu was someone that didn't even care about his company, and yet disliked him for the sole fact he was a male that was near Honoka. It really was a confusing experience for him. It was that dinner when Mototsugu suddenly made his declaration.

'Kenichi, my son! I'm going to take you on a hunting trip and go to the shooting range!' declared Mototsugu, surprising Kenichi.

'Umm, why?' blinked Kenichi.

'Because you hardly hang out with your old man now!' sobbed Mototsugu, clutching onto his wife, 'You're always out with your friends until night!'

To Kenichi, he was very confused. He knew for sure that this trip never happened in the old timeline. But in the old timeline, he spent more time with his family, thus leading Mototsugu to this when Kenichi started training early.

'While your father is exaggerating, he is somewhat right,' nodded Saori as she tried to push Mototsugu off, 'You don't spend much time with us now. This would be a good father and son bonding trip while allowing me to have a mother-daughter bonding time with Kaede and Honoka.'

'Yaa!' cheered Kaede and Honoka.

Natsu couldn't help but smile at Kaede's happiness before thinking of planning the next quarter for his company.

'Oh, and Natsu, you're coming too,' stated Mototsugu, causing Natsu to almost fall off his chair.

'What!?' coughed Natsu.

'Well, I can't let you miss out on trips like this! Especially in your youth! All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy! No excuses, I asked your little sister and she helped clear up a schedule for you.'

Natsu turned to his sister, his eyes pleading that it wasn't true.

'You need a break big brother,' stated Kaede, shattering that hope.

The next morning saw Mototsugu happily driving Natsu and Kenichi to a private hunting area where he had reserved a trip.

' Must..Not..Kill.' chanted Natsu to himself a thousand times on the road trip.

They soon arrived and were already heading out to the shooting range to first warm-up.

'Alright boys, I'm going to teach you how to properly shoot a rifle, alright?' instructed Mototsugu. Much to Natsu's surprise, Mototsugu was very strict on gun maintenance, behavior, and proper positioning. Unlike the other times where he seemed to be a little too eager to pull out his guns when someone looked at his family the wrong way.

They had been shooting for quite some time when Mototsugu decided to get a little more serious, stating that he needed to finish his warm-up. Dual-wielding two hunting rifles, one in each hand, he stepped out onto a field where an automatic clay pigeon thrower was set up with eight in stock.

'He's not going to shoot them all at once, is he?' blinked Natsu.

'Pull!' shouted Mototsugu.

One of the technicians operating the machine turned it on. Natsu watched a clay pigeon shoot out, followed by another one a second later, then another one. Mototsugu easily sniped each one down with a single shot, alternating from each gun.

'He needs to reload. Those guns only have two shots in each rifle. And yet the clay pigeon is still going,' thought Natsu, thinking Mototsugu was an idiot.

He ate his words when Mototsugu, right after finishing the third clay pigeon with, performed a single-hand reload by spinning his rifle, ejecting the casing while managing to shove two fresh cartridges into it, cocked it, and raised it to continue firing, all while managing to snipe the fourth clay pigeon with his left. He did the same with his left one without any trouble either and finished his warm-up with no misses.

'Alright, you boys ready?' asked Mototsugu with a grin.

Flashback interrupted

'Wait, wait, how does that relate to this?' asked Sho.

'If you let me finish, then I can tell you,' barked Natsu.

Flashback continues

And so, Mototsugu was leading them to the hunting area zone, talking with one of the staff about the hunting box that he had reserved. Natsu sat on the chair, looking through his phone bored while Kenichi wandered off into the archery section/range, looking at the bows with curiosity.

'Ah, hello there,' waved one of the workers manning the archery range, 'Did you want to try out a bow and arrow? Sometimes people prefer this over a gun.'

Natsu snorted at that. Though he hated to admit, he wasn't that good with a gun. He was, however, a better shot than Kenichi, much to his pride. During their practice shots at the shooting range with some rifles, Natsu had a higher accuracy than Kenichi. He took it in with glee when he saw Mototsuga frown at Kenichi's score before patting him on the back, telling him that not everyone was suited for shooting a gun like himself.

Kenichi curiously listened to the man instruct him on how to properly shoot with a bow, growing more interested than the gun lecture from his father.

'Go ahead and try,' motioned the man, pointing to the target roughly 20 meters away, which was the closest one. There were several other targets at various distances.


Kenichi took a deep breath, brought the bow up chest height, and with a slow exhale, fired the arrow.

Sinking it straight into the bullseye.

'Whoa, nice shot!' complimented the man, 'Go ahead, keep on shooting! Got lots of targets for you to aim at.'

Kenichi did so, taking arrow after arrow and sinking them into random bullseyes, much to his own surprise as well as Natsu's. It was after he reached the 50-meter mark did he miss the yellow and hit the red ring instead. Kenichi shrugged and turned around just to see his dad right behind him, crying tears of joy.

'Kenichi, my son! I knew you had the Shirahama talent for shooting!' blubbered Mototsuga as he hugged Kenichi, 'I should've known that it may not necessarily translate to using the same weapon! My grandfather was the best at using a knife! My father a pistol! Me, my hunting rifle! My aunt used senbons for her talent!'

Flashback ends

'And that's how I know Kenichi can use a bow and arrow,' shrugged Natsu, 'Did he practice ever since? No idea because his personal life isn't a part of mine. So if you'll excuse me, I need to get going.'

Natsu ducked under Rachel's arm and proceeded to leave. What happened next.. he didn't care.

Yomi armed division base

'So, how is Koryu High?' asked Rin curiously via video chat, with Mildred on the line too.

'So far.. interesting,' reported Hayase, 'Ryozanpaku's disciple has still foolishly embraced the flaws of Katsujinken.'

'Ah, well, that's not something that can change in a few days so easily,' shrugged Rin, 'Keep at it though, maybe you'll wear him down.'

'Elfreda, is something wrong?' asked Mildred curiously, 'You're pouting.'

Where Can I Watch Kenichi The Mightiest Disciple Are You

Elfreda looked up in surprise, trying to mask her face before sighing, 'Ryozanpaku's disciple Shirahama Kenichi is apparently.. decent at using a bow.'

'Well, it was stated in the notes that he's learning how to use a weapon,' frowned Mildred, 'Why would that affect you? He's not better than you at shooting, is he?'

'No, of course not,' huffed Elfreda, 'But rather.. I managed to get close to Shirahama to feel his fingers. There are no calluses on his fingers to suggest that he practices the bow a lot. And yet he's very accurate with it. Meaning it's like.. he was born to be able to shoot a bow so well without practice. And that irritates me.'

'Elfreda, there are some people who are born to do something better than others,' counseled Mildred, 'But remember, in the martial arts world, hard work and determination always overcomes talent. Especially if he didn't hone that talent.'

'I guess,' smiled Elfreda, 'I'll gather more information.'

'I'll do the same,' bowed Hayase, 'We should get going.'

The masters disconnected the call before Rin turned towards Mildred, 'So, want to explain that?'

'Explain what?' asked Mildred.

'Every time you hear the name Shirahama, your fist tends to clench up,' pointed out Rin.

'I'm.. not sure,' blinked Mildred slowly as she stared at her hands in confusion, 'For some reason, that name irritates me. It's like.. something in my past that has to do with that name belonging to a male. But I definitely know it's not from Kenichi. Something to do with.. a damn laugh and the sound of a gun. But I just can't place it. I know it's not from any martial artists at all, nor is it even connected to the underground martial arts world.'

'Well, don't get too hung up on it,' advised Rin, 'We have other work to do. I'm planning to visit my little sister and Yui.'

Muhahah, here comes the armed division swinging into the school! What will happen next!? What connection is there from Mildred to the Shirahama name? Find out in the later chapters! As for the two disciples, there were no names given for them, so I just made them up.

In order to face this challenge, he undergoes rigorous training at the dojo she lives at, Ryouzanpaku. All contents are provided by non-affiliated third parties. Jose Gilberto Vilchis as Siegfried. Non anime related “Anime Rant” videos will be removed since we have no way of confirm whether it’s for self-promoting or no. Disliking an opinion is not a valid reason for flagging. Michele Specht as Kisara’s Mother ep Takashi Nagasako as Gonzui Kumatori.

TMS Entertainment Date aired: Alondra Hidalgo as Furunji Miu. Chris Cason as Tochumaru. Hideki Takada as Ragnarok Thug ep 7. Manga UK Updates Jul 30, Monica Rial as Number 20 Odin Young. Terumitsu Okada Key Animation: Mayumi Yamaguchi as Koga Taichi.

Gabriel Gama Theme Song Performance: Stephen Hoff as Student B ep 5. Nobuto Sakamoto Animation Director: Isshin Chiba as Takashi Furukawa.

However, when he finally works up the courage to become strong and join mmightiest school’s karate club, he is coerced into fighting a bullying upperclassman who is intent on getting him kicked out of the club. Junichi Sugawara as Kondou. Rui Nakamura Yukie Oyake.

Kenichi the Mightiest Disciple Episode 45 English Dubbed on Make a GIF

Movie Broken Wrong Movie Other. Keiji Fujiwara as Loki.

Cynthia Cranz as Saori Shirahama. Brittney Karbowski as Kaede. These shortcuts only works with our main server and external servers that support the standard.

Kaoru Akiyama as Classmate Middle school girl Valkyrie. Yuzuru Fujimoto as Ryo “Hakubi” Ma. Margaret Yabs eps Toru Ohkawa as Kozo Ukita. Katsumi Shiratori as Gonzui’s Disciple ep Japanese staff Japanese cast Director: Joe Rinoie Original creator: Minami Takayama as Kisara “Valkyrie” Nanjo.

Bruce Lewis as Kurokawa. Shirahama Kenichi is an average student who has earned the nickname “Weak Legs” from always getting bullied. Greg Ayres as Koga Taichi. Japanese Comic Ranking, October Oct 26, Jose Gilberto Vilchis as Siegfried. Sho Hayami as Boss ep Unlike a property like Naruto or One Discjple relatively stable, often episodi Brad Hutson as Thug 1 ep 5. Takashi Nagasako as Gonzui Kumatori.

I’m back from Europe, I’m still kinda tired, and I missed a lot of gaming news that happened last week when it happened.

Kenichi the Mightiest Disciple Episode 45 English Dubbed

As the first new City Hunter movie in twenty years, this blast of ’80s future detective action is a welcome surprise on the big screen, but how has the material underneath aged?

David Wilson-Brown as Number Manga Answerman – How often do English manga publishers sell at a loss? July 9—15 Jul 15, Mamiko Noto as Shigure Kosaka. Tomoe Sakuragawa as Honoka Shirahama Mother ep Student C ep 13 Makoto Himeno. Nallely Solis as Honoka Shirahama. Naoko Watanabe as Tanimoto’s Step-Mother ep News News chronological archives Carrie Savage as Miu Furinji. No hentai is allowed in any case.
