Brother Drama Cd

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Jonas (also known as Jonas L.A. For the second season), is a Disney Channel Original Series created by Michael Curtis and Roger S. Schulman, starring the Jonas Brothers.The pilot was filmed in September 2008, the series premiered on Disney Channel on May 2, 2009, and became available on demand starting on April 25, 2009. Jonas is the first Disney Channel Original Series since Phil of the. A Berlin-set drama centered on a 40-something couple who, separately, fall in love with the same man. Director: Tom Tykwer Stars: Sophie Rois, Sebastian Schipper, Devid Striesow, Angela Winkler. Votes: 4,937 Gross: $0.06M.

Track 01: さっそく不運の神サマがやってきて

Yusuke: Where are you now? Me? I’m at the entrance now. Eh? The train is late? Ah, it’s fine. I’ll wait. *beep* 10 or 20 minutes is nothing. Today the two of us will slowly enjoy the school festival and at the end I’ll say “Maybe I’ll come to this school”! This will be the best day ever! God, I’m counting on you!
Yusuke: Hello? Ah, it’s you Masa-nii…ah, no it’s nothing. Eh? You’re coming to Meiji University’s school festival? Together with Wataru? Ah, I understand but what has that got to do with me? You want me to meet with you? Why me? Hang on I already have plans-no, but-I know, I know. Eh? The train station in front of Meiji Uni? Yeah, I’ll go. *beep* Sigh, what was that all about. Ah, in any case I’d better contact her. *beep beep* Huh? It can’t get through. Ah! She did say she was on the train. Don’t have a choice then, I’ll have to go to the station. If it goes well, we may be able to meet there.
Wataru: Waaah~ the festival is amazing~ university is big~
Masaomi: Wataru! Don’t run around so much! Ah, you’ve gone too far. Is this where you’re supposed to meet Yusuke?
Masaomi: Hmm, he’s not here. I guess he really went to the station. We came here because Wataru said he wanted to come quickly but we may have let Yusuke down.
Wataru: Ma-kun, Ma-kun! They’re selling yakisoba there! I want some!
Masaomi: Wataru, we’ll get some after we find Yusuke.
Wataru: Uwaaah, I want some!
Masaomi: Guess I don’t have a choice. Ne, shall we eat together? Excuse me! 3 yakisobas please.
Woman: 3 yakisobas? Thank you for waiting.
Wataru: Amazing~ so much yakisoba~ itadakimasu!
Masaomi: Wataru, it’ll fall off so eat quietly okay?
Masaomi: At any rate, there are lots of people here~ even though it is a school festival. Speaking of which, you’ll be attending here next year? I see. Then you’ll become Subaru’s junior. Eh? You still don’t know if you passed the exams? (laughs) You’ll be fine. If you like, I can help you with your studies. Ah, but I’ll be at the hospital most of the time so I probably won’t be of much help. But if there’s anything I can do, just say it. I’ll do anything to help.
Wataru: Here, onee-chan! Candied apple~
Masaomi: Wataru, where did you get that?
Wataru: The big brother over there gave it to me.
Masaomi: Gave? What about the money?
Wataru: He said it’s fine if your dad comes to pay afterwards. I was wondering if it’s fine if dad’s not here but it looks yummy so I took it
Masaomi: Wataru, you can’t do this kind of thing. Which shop was it? Sorry, can you watch over Wataru for a while? I need to go pay for the candied apples. At any rate, I wonder if we look like a couple. I’d feel happy if that was the case. Ah! Sorry for saying such weird things. I’ll go pay now!
Yusuke: Ah! You’re here! Sorry, Masa-nii asked me to meet him and Wataru at the station. I tried to call your phone but I couldn’t get through. Eh? The battery has run out? I see. Anyway, where is Masa-nii and Wataru?
Wataru: Ne, Yu-kun, takoyaki!
Yusuke: Wataru? Why are you here?
Wataru: Do you want some takoyaki?
Yusuke: Not takoyaki. Wataru, where is Masa-nii?
Wataru: He went somewhere~!
Yusuke: O-oi. Where did you get that?
Wataru: The big sis there gave it to me.
Yusuke: Gave?
Wataru: I also gave Yu-kun candied apples.
Yusuke: Eh? Candied apple? Ahhhhh! Half-eaten candied apples in my pocket! Even when I bought these clothes specially for today! Disgusting! So sticky
Masaomi: Ah, Yusuke! You’re here. Sorry, we met her at the station-
Yusuke: Wataru you—
Wataru: Waaah! Yu-kun is scary!
Yusuke: Idiot. The scary part starts now. I won’t forgive you!
Wataru: Save me!
Yusuke: Stop there!
Masaomi: What’s going on you two? Sorry, can you wait here a while? Wataru! Yusuke!

Brother Drama Cd Youtube

After this Tsubaki and Azusa enters the scene with Tsubaki being the irresponsible one and Azusa being the responsible one as usual. Apparently they have an event here too and they can’t find the event space because Tsubaki threw away the invitation (he claimed it just went somewhere). So they were walking around trying to find the place with Tsubaki getting distracted by all the booths/stalls including a darts game which he liked the DVD Box prize so he asked Azusa to go win it for him. And this is where they spot (Ema) and go up to her and invite her to their event. Tsubaki holds her hand so that she won’t get lost and gets hit by Azusa. Tsubaki then complains about how Azusa is interfering with his love life and ‘threatens’ to destroy/exterminate/kill him. Azusa then says how he should be discreet in public and Tsubaki suggests they go into a locked room to be ichaicha, stuff like that. They then leave for the event with Tsubaki teasing Azusa about his sulking (Azusa claims he was not sulking). It then ends with Yusuke coming back and finding Ema gone and he thought he made her angry because he left her all alone and ran off to find her.

Brother Drama Cd Series

sorry I got lazy halfway and decided to just summarize that last bit instead of translating it line by line orz